Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Whose Line Is It Anyway?

I've been skipping school a lot lately. :D Didn't go to school again today because I had to renew my passport. A week before I leave for China, I find out my passport's expired. Haha. Awesome. I've been blogging literally once a week. Nothing to blog about you see.

My passport picture looks retarded. I'm not retarded! Shut up Beatrice. xD

I just noticed that I look like my eldest sister when she was younger. Oh man..

So you see, if you're under 18, either your mom or dad has to accompany you to do your passport. So the sister was there by my side, and my mom next to her.

Imigration person: So how old are you?
Me: 15.
Imigration person: She's your daugter? -to my sister-
Sister: Huh?! No. *turns to my mom*. Do more tai chi. Oh no... I look so old.
*three of us burst into laughter*

Good thing the imigration person still let me renew my passport after 'sort of' laughing at her. Sorry lah.

Then another imigration person. Another counter that I had to go to. Gave everything to her except for my IC. My mom's was with her.

Imigration person 2: Umur berapa tahun ini?
Me: Lima belas.
*stares at me with a shocked look. Then looks at my mom.* WHAT?! Do I look younger than 15 or older? :(
Imigration person 2: *Held up my mom's IC* Saya ingat ini kamu.
O.O Do I look 48?!
Me: hahaha. Bukan la. Itu mak saya.
*gave her my IC*
Imigration person 2: Nampak muka sama saja.
Me and my mom: hahaha.

Helllooooo?! Does my mom look 15 or do I look 48??? My goodness. The conversation was longer than that actually. I cut it short. Haha. My mom has a different haircut now though. She probably looks younger. But not 33 years younger la right?

I have to go for tuition now. Which means miss american idol again. ): I hate miley cyrus. I love adam lambert.

- Zenn

You're gonna be alright. It's probably a blessing.

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