I discovered quite a few cool stuff in China. :) Two only actually. The day that I was gonna leave China, I saw this cool machine outside the hotel. Haha. 9 days there and only on the 9th day I saw it. So ignorant. Wanna know what?
"Condom Self-Service" "No Aids" The buttons: "1 yuan(rm 0.50), 2 yuan(rm 1.00), 3 yuan(rm 1.50)" (For those who don't know how to read Chinese). Freaking cheap condoms right? Probably all of them come with holes. But look at the machine, looks like it has pretty good business. It looks overused. I regret not buying some back.
Next thing I saw. Hmm.. On the way to dinner, I passed a shop that had you know those kind of standing sign boards sorta thing.
It was a lit up white standing sign board. About half of my height? On the sign board outside a shop, it stated " SEX ". HAHAHA. And some other Chinese words la. Don't know how to read. Public area okay. Not even some red district area. Just an area. I glanced into the shop and I think all those accessories were sold there. You know what I mean. xD I also regret I didn't get to go into that shop.
What has China done to me. T.T Enough with sex and stuff.
On the signboard of another shop, a tattoo shop.
I bought playboy shoes!!!! I think I like the playboy bag more than the shoes.
- Zenn
Why didn't I stay longer. 15 minutes. T.T
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