Monday, September 22, 2008

Devistated much

Haunted , hunted, found, in deep shyt , terrible feelings, sad, angry , dissapointed. Name all the emotions you can think off... yeah, thats what gotten into me! Well, not only i've been through WONDERS like this the whole year, Im through with all this junks haunting me and making my hair fall and making my looks get older by the days. Oh well, and that is what we call life. Currently in some no fat food eating thingy and trying to get those funky big useless piece of fat junks from my ridiculous abnormal body! HAHA. Even though its hard. BUT ITS GOOD FOR ME. :D ! I shall just pray and hope for results end of the month. Hope it works.. If it ever will?

Exams around the corner, no books have been touched by me, no revisions .WOOHOO and promise on ' mum I'll pass all my subjects lah haiyo, dont worry' . Guess that promise will nvr come true. sorry. HAHA. I dont know why , i dont know how. Im just sick and tired of the same things happening. Same routines i do everyday at home. Everything is just the same. Imagine if world doesn't exsist I wonder what on earth am I? Nah, now im just blabbering and talking craps. forgive me! XD.

Lastly,Happy Bday CheahPohWei (:

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