Friday, September 19, 2008

What the crap?

Gosh. School for 3 hours is really a waste of time. Each period is only for twenty-five minutes? Boring. Very boring. Not the point of this post. haha.

I sometimes wonder why and how am I involved in this particular something. Why am I getting blamed? Do I look so much like a bitch (this blog name says the bitches,not necessarily a real bitch you know) that would do something like that? Am I capable of doing something like that? WHY would I do something like that? There isn't a point for me to. AND I don't want to. -_-

I can't care less if people want to talk about me. I really don't care. Just don't blame me for shit ass reasons. If you want, come talk to me, I'll make it so clear to you that you will think that you're stupid for thinking so much till you get the idea of even blaming me. I'm so so so far away from being connected to this. So, the question is how am I connected to this? Hate me? I DON"T CARE! It's amazing that the creativity of your imagination can go to that extend.

Not wanting to mention any names. This is for public reading. I'm being gay. xD

I feel damn lazy to blog actually. Just had to let those words out of my brain. Feel better now.

- zenn

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