Monday, October 6, 2008

Brain lag.

I would blog about Rachel's farewell but I do not have any pictures so yeah.. I'll blog about it another day.

Other than that, I've like a billion question marks running through my brain. Those question marks aren't acutally running through. They came to visit and found that they love staying in my brain so they stayed there. -_- I really have no idea what's going on. Skip.

Ermmm. I'll talk about the movie Eagle Eye since I have nothing else about the farewell that I can blog about. That show's AWESOME! One of the best show's I've watched this year. It was super cool. The way everything was plot. One word. Awesome.

Like the tittle. My brain is lagging extremely badly today. ( I emphasise saying "extremely badly today", I'm not denying the fact that my brain lags everyday. haha.) I don't know what to blog about. So till I get the pictures, I'll blog again. =D

- zenn

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